Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Al-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-(USA) Political Science Liberalism Set/[USA] Political Science USA Constitution Set 1 Sample Test,Sample questions

  10th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.15th Sptember 1791

2.15th October 1791

3.15th November 1791

4.15th December 1971

  11th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.17th February 1795

2.7th February 1795

3.27th February 1795

4.None of these

  12th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.15th June 1808

2.15th June 1804

3.15th June 1806

4.None of these

  29th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.23rd January 1933

2.23rd January 1938

3.23rd January 1937

4.None of these

  Declaration of American independence was made on:

1.March 21 1776

2.April 20 1776

3.July 4 1776

4.None of these

  In America for proposing amendments the number of ways are:




4.None of these

  The Constitution of USA was proposed by Convention on:

1.July 41776

2.September 171778

3.October 151785

4.September 171787

  The First American President was:

1.Franklin Roosevelt



4.Washington D.C.

  What was the 11th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Slavery Abolished

2. Trial and Punishment

3.Judicial Limits

4.Race No Bar to Vote

  What was the 12th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Poll Taxes Barred

2.Choosing the President Vice-President

3.Race No Bar to Vote

4.Presidential Term Limits

  What was the 19th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Womens Suffrage

2.Liquor Abolished

3.Trial and Pubishment

4.None of these

  What was the 23rd Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Liquor Abolished

2.Citizenship rights

3.Presidential vote for District of Columbia

4.None of these

 16th Amendment in United Status Constitution was took place on:

1.3rd February 1913

2.7th February 1895

3.7th February 1897

4.None of these

 In 1787 an American Constitution was ratified by:

1.9 out of 13 states

2.10 out of 13 states

3.11 out of 13 states

4.12 out of 13 states

 In America for ratifying amendments the number of ways is:




4.None of these

 In America the residuary power are vested in:

1.The central government

2.The states

3.The districts

4.None of these

 The number of amendments effected in the American Constitution are:





 The number of amendments which adopted in 1791 were:





 The Supreme Court was created by the original constitution of:





 What was the 16th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Status of Income Tax Clarified

2.Poll taxes Barred

3.Race No Bar to Vote

4.None of these

 What was the 18th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1. Trial and Pubishment

2.Womens Suffrage

3.Liquor Abbolished

4.None of these

13th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.7th Febrary 1799

2.6th December 1865

3.6th February 1795

4.None of these

14th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.7th February 1895

2.9th July 1868

3.7th February 1796

4.None of these

15th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.27th February 1795

2.27th February 1796

3.3rd February 1870

4.None of these

17th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1. 8th April 1913

2.7th February 1895

3.7th February 1925

4.None of these

18th Amendment in United StatesConstitution was took place on:

1.7th February 1795

2.16th January 1919

3.7th February 1935

4.None of these

19th Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.7th February 1935

2.7th February 1925

3.18th August 1920

4.None of these

21st Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1. 5th December 1931

2.5th December 1932

3. 5th December 1933

4.5th December 1934

22nd Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.27th February 1951

2.27th February 1952

3.27th February 1953

4.None of these

23rd Amendment in United States Constitution was took place on:

1.29th March 1960

2.29th March 1961

3.9th March 1962

4.None of these

A Convention in which the President is to consult the senators of this party for the appointments of the officer is to be called:

1.Implied Powers

2.Senatorial Courtesy

3.Theory of Separation of Powers

4.The System of Checks and Balances

In 1787 the original constitution was drafted by a convention held at.




4.New York

The American Constitution consists of a Preamble and:

1. 7 articles

2.11 articles

3.15 articles

4.22 articles

The American Constitution is based on:

1.Principle of separation of powers

2.Principle of co-ordination of powers

3.Principle of parity of powers

4.None of these

The American Declaration of Independence was issued in:




4.None of those

The American President Mr. Roosevelt was elected for:

1.Two times

2.Three times

3.Four times

4.None of these

The Constitution of USA came into effective on:

1.September 17 1787

2.July 171788

3.Mar 4 1789

4.None of these

The Federal Government of the U.S.A. Came into existence on:

1.April 301787

2.May 30 1788

3.June 301788

4.April 301789

The first ten Amendments in the Constitution of U.S.A. Are called:

1.The Bill of Rights

2.The Implied Powers

3.Executive agreements

4.None of these

The growth of the Cabinet System is based on:



3.Judicial Decision

4.Formal Amendments

The Senate comprises of 100 senators while the House of Representatives consists of 435 members and 3 electoral votes are allocated to Washington so at present total electoral votes are:




4.None of these

The United States at present is a federation consisting of:

1.45 States

2.50 States

3.52 States

4.55 States

What was the 13th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.15th June 1806

2.Slavery Abolished

3. Presidential Term Limits

4.Race No Bar to Vote

What was the 14th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Liquor Abolished

2.Citizenship Rights

3.Poll Taxes Barred

4.None of these

What was the 15th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Citizenship Rights

2.Presidential Term Limits

3.Race No Bar to Vote

4.None of these

What was the 17th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Poll taxes Barred

2. Senators Elected by Popular Vote

3.Womens Suffrage

4.None of these

What was the 20th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Womens Suffrage

2.Presidential Congressional Terms

3.Poll taxes Barred

4.None of these

What was the 21st Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Amendment 18 Repealed

2.Womens Suffrage

3.Liquor Abolished

4.None of these

What was the 22nd Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Womens Suffrage

2.Presidential Term Limits

3. Citizenship Rights

4.None of these

What was the 24th Amendment in United States Constitution?

1.Liquor Abolished

2.Poll Taxes Barred

3.Citizenship Rights

4.None of these


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